Nowhere really. I've been away from the blog because I've been busy. Well, busy is relative. Compared to most people, my busy is probably like most people's normal. I just don't handle having things to do well. I am amazed by those people who work all day, then have time to do stuff with friends and family, and still squeeze out some time for themselves. I just can't do it. I can manage only one thing going on at a time without it seeming super busy.
What's been keeping me busy? The last week of October and the first week of November, we had a visit from Loops' parents so the time was consumed with shopping, eating out, sightseeing, and more shopping. Fun times were had and cool gifts were received.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="HP TouchSmart IQ506"][/caption]
That's right. They bought me the best gift ever. It may not look like much, but there's nothing much cooler than a 22" touchscreen. Not to mention it's very tidy since it's an all-in-one computer. Even the keyboard and mouse that come with it are nice. It's sitting on the bar in between my kitchen and living room. Now I just need a barstool.
Since they flew back home, it's been a bit dull around here. They are definitely more fun than Loops and me. I'm mostly just being lazy and Loops has returned to work. Of course, I'm allowed to be lazy because I had a root canal on Monday. It wasn't that bad. In fact, the only bad part was writing the check after it was done. That was torture!
Of course, one other thing has happened and I've saved it for last because I can see the looks of disappointment forming from all my family as they look below:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Moxie"][/caption]
This is Moxie. She was adopted on Monday night. She's very sweet and super playful. Sure we didn't need another cat, but we've been wanting a third. We'll try to stop at that number though. I have a feeling between her and Dottie we'll have our hands too full for any others.