Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back by Popular Demand

That's right, I'm back again.  After much insistence from my two most loyal readers, the mother and the husband, I am going to post a new blog entry.

I'm recently back from Alabama.  I had a good time chilling out with the family and doing a smidgen of work.  I even got to eat some fresh-out-of-the-garden okra.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Who knew pre-okra was so pretty?"]Who knew pre-okra was so pretty?[/caption]

I also managed to get some knitting done while I was there.  I made some dishcloths for Mom (and Dad) that I didn't manage to get pictures of before they were being used.  I also knit on a cardigan.  I managed to knit the collar, but ran out of yarn before I could get the sleeves started.  I've done a bit of sleeve knitting since I've been back, but I still have a ways to go.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="336" caption="Delancey Cardigan"]Delancey Cardigan[/caption]

I'm sort of sad that I've managed to make this cardigan too big, but I still think it'll turn out ok.  I'll just have to rock a bit of the oversized look.  As soon as I finish the sleeves and find buttons, I'll show everyone how it looks.  On a happy side note, I've already purchased yarn to make another one and it should turn out better.

Since I've been back home, I've been knitting up a storm (and watching football).  While watching the Colts beat the stuffing out of the Giants Sunday night, I managed to finish the knitting on a new top and had it all seamed up yesterday.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="353" caption="Yay for knitting I can actually wear in Charleston!"]Yay for knitting I can actually wear in Charleston![/caption]

Pattern: Embrace by Norah Gaughan

Yarn: Berroco Seduce

Needles: US 8

More details… here (ravelry link)

I really like it, even if Loopas isn't sure about it.  The yarn feels great and looks neat, but is possessed by the devil.  I was crazy enough to try to ball the first skein and it was tangled up so bad after about two seconds I spent more time than I care to admit untangling it.  The other skeins were knit straight from my swift and everything worked smoothly from there.

I also finished another top, but it is not ready for viewing just yet.  As soon as it is, I will post again.  Here's a sneak peak for now:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Squishy ribbing!"]Squishy ribbing![/caption]