[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="315" caption="Tulips in the sun!"]
We started off on the Botanical Gardens side. It was a bit sunny, but since it was still chilly at that time of the morning I am not complaining. There were plenty of pretty flowers blooming.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Very purple flowers"]
There were pansies everywhere, in every color imaginable. I didn't take any pictures of them though. They also had tons of pretty smelling roses of which I didn't get any good pictures of. In fact, my photo count was really kind of low so I don't have much to share.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The prettiest of spring flowers"]
After looking at all of the pretty flowers, we walked a riverside path that wound its way toward the bridge to cross over to the zoo. It was very peaceful and shady. Best of all, it was mostly downhill so the walk was easy.
One of the first animals we saw was the koala bears. You cannot imagine how excited I was.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mama Koala"]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Baby Koala"]
They were so cute and I just wanted to cuddle both of them. There was one other koala there, but it just slept the whole time which was also cute, but not as photo worthy.
We went on from there and saw the baboons. Not the most attractive animals, but they were fun to watch.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="I'm not sure what the baby's doing."]
From there we saw kangaroos. In fact, we were in the cage with them. It would've been more exciting, but all the kangaroos were sleeping while we were in there. I was actually close enough to touch one. Not that I was allowed to do that or anything. After that we saw elephants and zebras and grizzly bears and giraffes.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Stretch!"]
Now, for a blog exclusive: First the backstory. It seems every time I'm at the zoo I get to see something unique. Mostly, it's something I didn't need to see, but I guess I'm just "lucky" that way. I've seen turtles mating, a gorilla eating his own puke, etc. This time tops it all though. If it only would've happened once I wouldn't have the photographic proof because I was too shocked at what I was seeing through the lens. The siamang in question was kind enough to offer an encore though (lucky you). We walk up to the siamangs enclosure and way up high is one of the pair facing away from us. I turn to Loops and say something about us getting a great view of the primate's butt. Next thing I know:
[caption id="attachment_179" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="the butt end of a siamang"]
That's right, he reached back and broke his own turds off. Then he took the time to examine them before tossing them away. We were stunned into silence for a moment, but then we couldn't stop laughing and talking about it. As we left him to it and headed back to our car we started hearing him and the other siamang start with the "singing" they are known for. It was pretty cool and the sound really travels through the woods. All in all it was a very good day at the zoo.
Since it would be wrong to leave you with that image stuck in your head, I give you KOALAS!
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Oh the cuteness is almost too much!"]