Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sporadic At Best

I know.  It's sad.  I create a blog and then barely ever blog.  I'm going to try to get back in the swing of things.  I promise.

So what's happening right now?  I'm making a Pot Roast and a Lemon Ice-Box Cake. I'm also trying my best to finish the Chevron Scarf I started back in September.  Right now it's at 30".  I really need to finish it so I can move on to something else.  I'm thinking I might attempt my first sweater next.  I just haven't picked out the right pattern yet so I'll have to blog about that more later.

Now on to the greatest thing since sliced bread:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Netflix!!!"]Netflix!!![/caption]

This service is great.  Like everyone else in the world, except maybe those few people without tv, I've known about Netflix for awhile now.  I never really wanted to go for it until recently when we started getting Pay-per-View on DirecTV.  That $3.99 (now $4.99) a movie adds up quick.   We signed up for the $8.99 a month plan which allows us to get one movie at a time, with unlimited online viewing as well.  Since signing up on New Year's Eve, we've been sent 5 movies and I've also watched 3 online.  We should be receiving our next movie on Thursday.  Obviously we're getting to watch way more movies for the money than we would by renting or ordering Pay-per-View.  I suppose you could technically save more with premium movie channels, but they show so much crap these days, I don't think they're worth it.

Well, my cake's done.  I've got to go get it cooled and frosted.

1 comment:

Loops said...

Netflix is indeed AWESOME!

I'm looking forward to what's next on our queue obviously ;)

The Lemon cake is sooooo good, everyone should be jealous! :D