The first:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Winking Owls Zippy Pouch"]
An extremely cute Zippy Pouch from Piecesofkandee@Etsy. The winking owls are great and it is backed with red corduroy. I am a bit crazy about owls. My love of owls had faded some over the years, but as soon as I saw Clash of the Titans again a few months ago and watched Bubo, the mechanical owl, my love was fully renewed! :D
Next on my list of purchases is related to something else near and dear to my heart.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="Pokey Little Puppy Magnets"]
Pokey Little Puppy magnets!!! I might have to name the Pokey Little Puppy as my favorite book ever. These magnets were made from actual pages of the book. They were purchased from LittleMommaErin@Etsy.
Last, but certainly not least is this:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Silver Maple Nostepinde"]
I know. It looks a bit... questionable, if you will. Let me explain what it is for those that might not know. It's a nostepinde (also spelled as nostepinne). What is a nostepinde? It is a tool used to manually wind a center-pull yarn ball. Why the funny name? It's Scandinavian. I don't really know much about the history, but I figure these things have been around a good, long while. If you want to know how it works, feel free to go to the same place I learned about them: Fiber Fool's Nostipinne Tutorial. It's a very good tutorial and has lots of pictures and a video. Anyway, back to my nostepinde... It's from Craftiness@Etsy. It's made from Silver Maple and is extremely pretty. I haven't used it yet, but I know it'll be great.
As you can see, a great variety of all things crafty can be found at Etsy. Now I better get away from this computer before I start shopping again! ;)