Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Etsy is an addiction!

I swear it is.  If you haven't yet visited Etsy.com, you should. I would say it is like eBay for crafty people, except there are no auctions or craziness and the fee structure for selling items is simple and logical.  I could spend all day browsing.  In fact, I may spend a bit too much time on there.  I've been purchasing a few too many things lately.  As shown in my last post, I purchased 2 gauge rules and since then I've procured three more items from sellers on Etsy.

The first:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Winking Owls Zippy Pouch"]Winking Owls Zippy Pouch[/caption]

An extremely cute Zippy Pouch from Piecesofkandee@Etsy.  The winking owls are great and it is backed with red corduroy.  I am a bit crazy about owls.  My love of owls had faded some over the years, but as soon as I saw Clash of the Titans again a few months ago and watched Bubo, the mechanical owl, my love was fully renewed! :D

Next on my list of purchases is related to something else near and dear to my heart.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="Pokey Little Puppy Magnets"]Pokey Little Puppy Magnets[/caption]

Pokey Little Puppy magnets!!!   I might have to name the Pokey Little Puppy as my favorite book ever.  These magnets were made from actual pages of the book.  They were purchased from LittleMommaErin@Etsy.

Last, but certainly not least is this:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Silver Maple Nostepinde"]Silver Maple Nostepinde[/caption]

I know.  It looks a bit... questionable, if you will.  Let me explain what it is for those that might not know.  It's a nostepinde (also spelled as nostepinne).  What is a nostepinde? It is a tool used to manually wind a center-pull yarn ball.  Why the funny name?  It's Scandinavian.  I don't really know much about the history, but I figure these things have been around a good, long while.  If you want to know how it works, feel free to go to the same place I learned about them: Fiber Fool's Nostipinne Tutorial.  It's a very good tutorial and has lots of pictures and a video.  Anyway, back to my nostepinde... It's from Craftiness@Etsy.  It's made from Silver Maple and is extremely pretty.   I haven't used it yet, but I know it'll be great.

As you can see, a great variety of all things crafty can be found at Etsy.   Now I better get away from this computer before I start shopping again! ;)


Sterl said...

I almost got fired for looking at your "nostepinde" from the office. ;)

Jamie said...

@Sterl, You just tell you boss his head must be in the gutter. It's a perfectly innocent yarn ball winder. :D

Loops said...

You've bought some very cute items, and a questionable item. Definitely not safe for work browsing ;)

Mom said...

I told you it looked like a multi-purpose tool!

Jamie said...

You know a comment like that will shock Stacy if she reads it. She'll swear Dad's rubbing off on you.

Stacy said...

Wait! maybe it's hunky dory that I have!

Stacy said...

Oh my! Dad's ways have obviously made an impact on mom.

Also, pokey little puppy rulz! I have the book!

Jamie said...

@Stacy, I have our original copy of the Pokey Little Puppy. I saw it for sale at Wal-Mart the other day and almost bought it for no reason, but my love of the book.

Free tattoo designs said...

Very cool site, but you must improve your template graphics.

xrumer 5.0 warez said...

You post awsome posts. Bookmarked !