Through a stern will and extreme determination, I have kept myself from catching the dreaded second sock syndrome. For those who don't know, second sock syndrome is a very common thing among knitters who knit socks. Basically, you see a pair of socks you want to knit so you get your pattern and your yarn all together and joyfully start knitting. Once the first is complete you get to stare at it, pet it, and show it around to everyone you know so they can marvel at your knitting prowess. Here's where the problems start. See, you've completed the pattern and have a complete knitted item, but because feet insist on coming in pairs, you have to do the whole pattern you just did all over again. For some reason, the second time you knit something is not nearly as interesting as the first. You already know what's going to happen. It's like watching a rerun you just saw last week. You'd much rather watch a new episode or a completely different show, right? Sadly, unless you are happy knitting things that will never be used or you know someone who is happy to wear mismatched socks, you have to knit the second one. So I did:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="First pair of socks... COMPLETE!"]

Pattern: 7 Stitches per Inch Socks by Ann Budd
Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Happy Feet
Needles: US 3
More details…
here (ravelry link)
They are ok for a first attempt, but I'm hoping to improve a lot on my next pair, which brings me to the interactive portion of the blog. My next pair of socks will be for me and I've already picked the pattern I plan to use,
Sunday Swing Socks. Now I just need to pick the yarn to use. I give you 4 choices to pick from:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="416" caption="You make the call!"]

As I'm the early adopter (Those socks in the picture are mine, in fact I'm wearing them right now and they're great!), I think the second pair should also be mine, so I can benefit from the experience learned ;-) So I want number 3 for my next pair of socks :D
@Loops, I GET THE NEXT PAIR!!! Would you want me to have #3?
@Jamie, BUT, BUT, BUT!!!!
Number 2 it is ;-)
Can I have the 3rd pair? Using number 3?
I like number 1!
I'll pick #4, just cause nobody else did. Now you have a vote for each color and no winner, unless of course your vote is the tie breaker. Maybe you should just make a pair from each yarn. Just whip em right up! What ya think?
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