I was going to start the blog with a cute cat picture, but they all had different plans. I bent down to get a nice shot of Dottie in the sun and as I get ready to click the shutter Moxie decides Dottie needs a bath. That might've made a cute picture, but, at the same time, Bob started trying to climb up on me and this is the results:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Dottie's photo-op disrupted"]
What's worse (and darker) than this horrible picture? Loops' ankle. Good segue, wasn't it? He had a tumble down our stairs on Wednesday. We had him checked out and it was an ankle sprain and should be better soon. He's still limping around, but is back in work so maybe with my days free from nurse duty I'll get some knitting done.
The only thing I've really been working on is my socks. You know, the ones I let everyone vote for the yarn to make them. I'm about half through with the first sock and they're turning out well. See:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="My new colorful socks started!"]
The pattern is fun and they work up pretty quickly so I should have a completed pair in no time. Maybe I'll finish them while I'm back in Alabama. I'll be flying direct from Charlotte to Birmingham on Oct. 3rd and be with the family for two fun filled weeks. Hopefully Loops and the kitties can live that long without me. ;)
You mean you didn't like looking after me and catering to my every whim? :( ;-)
The sock looks great by the way :)
I'm sure the kitties and I can get along fine without for 2 weeks. Well Luna might get a little sad but she'll make it.
What?!!!!? 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea you were going for that long. Wow! You may even get to help move Grandpa!
Great sock, can't wait to see it in person. Is that sock sitting on a stack of bowls?
Looks good!
@Mom, Yes. The best light was in the kitchen so I just set it on top of my stacked bowls. It was sort of color coordinated. :D
I was been after the WWW for this info and just wanted to thank u for this post. Also, just off topic, where can i get a copy of this theme? – Regards
I was beeing trying to find the WWW for such information and just wanted to thank you for the post. BTW, just off topic, where can i find a version of this theme? – Thank you
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