Thursday, August 25, 2011

Coming Right Along

Just wanted to do a short post to document some FOs (that's finished objects, for you non-knitting types).  That's right.  I've actually completed a few things from my last post.  I have two scarves to show you today.

First off,  we have a scarf/shawl I started in February of 2010.

Saroyan in Pink
Saroyan in Pink 

Pattern: Saroyan by Liz Abinante

Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted

Needles: US 10

More details…  here (ravelry link)

I really liked knitting this.  It would have been finished much earlier if I hadn't set it down for over a year.  It's actually a quick knit.  Loopers picked out the color so if it doesn't suit me, blame him. ;)

Next up, is a pattern I just kind of threw together.  I discovered garter ribbing and loved it.  I combined that with my love of gray and circular scarves and this is the result.

Gray squishiness!
Gray squishiness! 

Pattern: None

Yarn: Frog Tree Meriboo

Needles: US 8

More details…  here (ravelry link)

In case you were worried I was being too serious...
In case you were worried I was being too serious... 
I also finished the Twin Cities Headband, but didn't get any good photos of it.  So that's 3 whole things complete.  I just counted.  There were 11 UFOs listed in my last post.  I'd be more depressed about this, but since there are 2 more projects on the brink of completion, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far.  Stay tuned for more FOs coming your way soon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

UFOs Everywhere!

No, sillies, it's not alien abduction time.  It's time to get my butt in gear and try to finish some  of the knitting I've started.  I figured I'd organize them into groups in hopes that the organization will help me with my procrastinating ways.

There are some things I don't have a hope of finishing soon.

Winging It Blanket
Winging It Blanket 

Pickadilly Cardigan
Pickadilly Cardigan 

Soft Bubble Tunic
Soft Bubble Tunic 

These things are less than halfway through and are big projects.  Sadly, they've all been sitting for far too long.  I should really be ashamed of myself.

Then there are those projects around the halfway mark.  If I apply myself to them, there is a chance I could finish them in the near future.

Sweet November Shawl
Sweet November Shawl 

Americano Vest
Americano Vest 

Saroyan Shawl
Saroyan Shawl 

Uhura Tank
Uhura Tank 

Garter Ribbing of Joy Scarf
Garter Ribbing of Joy Scarf 

I know.  The amount of UFOs is already alarming.  Sadly, I'm not finished.

There are a couple of projects that are almost done.  I just have to take a bit of time and they could be finished.

Espenson Caftan Tee
Espenson Caftan Tee 

Twin Cities Headband
Twin Cities Headband 

Last, but definitely not least.  The project I must complete before Christmas.

Sofo Baby Blanket
Sofo Baby Blanket 

We'll have to wait and see how many of these projects I actually complete in the next month.  I'm not optimistic, but now that I've shown them all to the world, maybe  I'll be shamed into completing at least some of them.