Thursday, August 25, 2011

Coming Right Along

Just wanted to do a short post to document some FOs (that's finished objects, for you non-knitting types).  That's right.  I've actually completed a few things from my last post.  I have two scarves to show you today.

First off,  we have a scarf/shawl I started in February of 2010.

Saroyan in Pink
Saroyan in Pink 

Pattern: Saroyan by Liz Abinante

Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted

Needles: US 10

More details…  here (ravelry link)

I really liked knitting this.  It would have been finished much earlier if I hadn't set it down for over a year.  It's actually a quick knit.  Loopers picked out the color so if it doesn't suit me, blame him. ;)

Next up, is a pattern I just kind of threw together.  I discovered garter ribbing and loved it.  I combined that with my love of gray and circular scarves and this is the result.

Gray squishiness!
Gray squishiness! 

Pattern: None

Yarn: Frog Tree Meriboo

Needles: US 8

More details…  here (ravelry link)

In case you were worried I was being too serious...
In case you were worried I was being too serious... 
I also finished the Twin Cities Headband, but didn't get any good photos of it.  So that's 3 whole things complete.  I just counted.  There were 11 UFOs listed in my last post.  I'd be more depressed about this, but since there are 2 more projects on the brink of completion, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far.  Stay tuned for more FOs coming your way soon.

1 comment:

Loops said...

Those are some cool looking scarves :P

The chick modeling them looks hot too :D

Yay for completed FOs!