Thursday, September 1, 2011

Love it or Hate it

It's not often I knit something that I'm not sure if I'll like or not.  Usually I have to be in love with it before I ever think of casting on.  That was not the case with Espenson.  I saw it and, while I liked it, I really thought it might come out about as flattering as a flour sack.  When on that same night I found I was able to get the yarn on sale (plus get an extra discount), I took it as a sign and decided to make it.

I think it was a success.
I think it was a success. 

Pattern: Espenson by Cirilia Rose

Yarn: Berroco Linsey

Needles: US 8

More details…  here (ravelry link)

It's a big ol' rectangle with a hole in the center.
It's a big ol' rectangle with a hole in the center. 

It's very comfy.  I wore it to supper tonight.  I think it's pretty cool.  That's all I have to say about it.

Talk to you again soon.


Loops said...

I love it :)

You look great in it!

Mom said...

Sooooo cool and absolutely YOU !!!!!

Ellen Rozsa said...

This came out so good and so true to the pattern. I am downloading your photo as well as the PDF instructions for the Espenson from Ravelry so I can start one for my fashionista 15 yr old and one for myself, one for my older daughter, one for my mom.....

I absolutely love how yours came out! Thanks for posting. I've been online for an hour googling "knitted short sleeve poncho tops" when what I really wanted has been here all along!

happy future knitting,
