Friday, September 9, 2011

Picture Post FTW

I'm lazy.  We all know it.  I just wanted to show you what I'm knitting for Dan and Stacy.

The yarn I'm using (and Stacy's hat started)
The yarn I'm using (and Stacy's hat started)

Blues, Greens, and Very Trendy Grellow!
Blues, Greens, and Very Trendy Grellow!

I didn't think Stacy would want to see her hat on someone else's head.
I didn't think Stacy would want to see her hat on someone else's head.

For anyone interested, the pattern  is Howlcat by Alex Tinsley.

I'll talk more about things once I've completed both hats.


Stacy said...

Cool. You are correct. I wouldn't want to see a picture of it on someone else's head. Very neat!

Loops said...

It's an awesome hat. The end.