Monday, September 5, 2011

Everyday I'm Hustlin'

Who finished all their knitting goals?  I DID!  That's right.  I took 4 projects that were all no more than half done and finished them all up before the NFL season starts.  In an earlier post, I showed you the two scarves that I finished.  Now to show off the other two.

First up, the Americano Vest.  Loops says it's a waistcoat.  I say, this is America and I can call it a vest.

Lovely, no?
Lovely, no?
Pattern: Americano by Cirilia Rose

Yarn: Berroco Vintage Chunky

Needles: US 10

More details… here (ravelry link)

I <3 Gray!
I <3 Gray!

In all honesty, I got really tired of all the finishing on this thing.  In the end I sewed up the front so the buttons are just for show.  Speaking of buttons, there are suppose to be 5, but I got lazy there too.  After putting 3 on, I decided it looked fine that way.

As long as we're talking about laziness, I might as well show you the shawl I finished.

It's big enough, right?
It's big enough, right?

Pattern: Sweet November Shawl by Caryl Pierre

Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Covington

Needles: US 11

More details…  here (ravelry link)

I stopped after finishing up with the first ball of yarn.  This was another thing I just totally tired of knitting.  Also, it seemed big enough.  I also opted not to put the fringe on.  I'm just not really that into fringe.

If all this excitement wasn't enough I should be back soon for another post.  I have a gift for my sister that is almost done. ;)


Loops said...

Yay for finishing stuff! Both things look awesome!

You look very pretty by the way :)

Stacy said...

I say the "vest" looks like a bustier. It's neat though. It looks very complex.

Jamie said...

@Stacy, It would only look like a bustier if I was wearing much less under it. It does accentuate the ladies though.