Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fail Big or Go Home

I will soon join a KAL (that's a Knitalong) for the lovely Delancey Cardigan.  It was love at first sight with this particular cardigan.  When the design first came out I immediately bought it and found some stash yarn and started knitting.  It wasn't until I finished the body that I realized it might be too big.
Before the sleeves it wasn't too bad.
Here's what I've determined as my problem.  Gauge, of course.  I knit a swatch like a good knitter.  I did not wash and block the swatch, but I did knit one.  That has to count for something.
To break things down: 
     My swatch was 17.25 sts x 24 rows = 4 x 4 inches in Stockinette stitch
     The required gauge was 18 sts x 26.5 rows = 4 x 4 inches in Stockinette stitch

The truth is I almost never come close to Row Gauge no matter what I do so I ignore it.  In most patterns this is not a problem.  In this pattern, IT MATTERS!!!
With sleeves, it is obviously HUGE!
Once I started picking up for the first sleeve, I realized I couldn't pick up the amount for the size I was knitting (36, btw).  I had to pick up the number for the next size up because my armhole was much larger than it should be.  I still managed to fool myself into thinking everything would be ok so I kept on knitting.  At some point I tried it on again and realized this thing made me look 50 lbs heavier than I am and it was unacceptable.
I think I could get about 5 arms in that sleeve.
This is my worst failure as a knitter so let's hope my second take on this cardigan will be more successful.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You'll get it next time, I have faith in you!

sociallyskilled said...

I love your color choice. Hopefully this time it works out better for you. My swatch came out too small instead of too big so I decided to make the medium instead of the small (I am in between those sizes, so just went up). I am hoping it works out. If it's too small, I'll save it for my daughters when they're 12 or so. ;)