Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting back in the swing of things

I first started knitting in January of this year. I was inspired after my mother-in-law started making me scarves. I don't think I'd ever even owned a scarf until she knitted me one. I love them now though and decided it'd be cool to make my own. So I started knitting. I was going strong for a few months. I knitted a scarf, a few cat toys, and a dishcloth. It probably would've been more, but I think I may be the slowest knitter in the world. I then took a few months off from knitting while getting ready to and then finally moving. Now that I'm all settled in, I've started again. I'm working on another scarf and another dishcloth.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chinese Waves Dishcloth"]Chinese Waves Dishcloth[/caption]

Pattern: Chinese Waves Dishcloth by Margaret K.K. Radcliffe
Yarn: Cotton Ease in Stone
Needle: 9 ( size 7 is recommended, but I am a super tight knitter)

This is a fun, quick knit and useful to boot. I need to make a whole pile of these so I can throw away my storebought dishcloths. I hate them. :|


Loops said...

You know, as I'm the designated dishwasher in our house, I'm looking forward to my new dishcloth :P


yoursister said...

Where is my scarf?
I don't know if a knitted dishcloth would be a good idea :)