Thursday, February 5, 2009

Believe it or not...

My chevron scarf is now complete.  I finished it last night before bedtime and took pictures today.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Chevron Scarf Complete! YAY!!!"]Chevron Scarf Complete!  YAY!!![/caption]

Pattern: Chevron Scarf by Domesticat

Yarn: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport in Natural and Maple Grove

Needles: US 5

More details... here (ravelry link)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Obligatory Scarf Roll"]Obligatory Scarf Roll[/caption]

It was fun to knit, especially when I stopped doing the p2tog tbl.  I messed up with not paying attention to the pattern though.  While I was doing the  p2tog tbl, I was doing it at both the start and finish of the WS rows and even worse I was doing the double decrease wrong and it is obvious, but not bad enough that I would redo the first third of the scarf that I messed up.  I'm still happy with it though and so are the Lambies.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="The Lambies Cuddle Up"]The Lambies Cuddle Up[/caption]


Loops said...

Yay! I think it looks great. I also think the Lambies like it too ;)

Mom said...

It's really cool! When did you get the black lamb? Got a little ebony and ivory going there. Just how many projects do you have going at one time?

Jamie said...

I got the black lamb and 3 or 4 smaller lambs when LPs parents were here. I have had them hidden in my closet because of crazy cats.

Right now, I have several projects going. The blanket, the top, and the socks are kind of on hold.