Friday, February 20, 2009

Sit and Knit

Most people would find it odd that I've lived here in Charleston since May and don't actually know anyone.   In fact, other than to say hi to a neighbor or two (of whom I have no idea what their names are) or speaking to the doctors or the dentist, I have said nothing more to anyone than whatever pleasantries you'd say to a stranger in passing.  How is that possible?  Well, to me it's easy.  Since I work at home I don't have much opportunity to interact with people and I actually like my peaceful alone time.   Not to mention I'm always weird around people so I tend not to be very social.  I've been thinking for a while now I should try to get to know people more and try to interact at least a little.  So in that spirit, I attended my first ever "Sit and Knit" last night.  Loops had to all but push me out the door to get me to actually go, but I went.  It was held at the new yarn shop in Summerville, the Village Knittery.  She has just opened this month.  I'd already been into the shop once before.   That's how I knew about the "Sit and Knit" she was planning to have for Third Thursdays (which, from what I gather, is a downtown Summerville thing held once a month to promote the refurb of the area by having shops open late and special events and such).  Anyway, I enjoyed my first visit so much and thought Emily, the owner, was so nice.  In fact, the thought of her not having a super turnout for her first event was what finally got me out the door and on my way to Summerville.  I arrived a little after 5pm.  I was aiming for 4:45pm, but I took a wrong turn and got lost.  That's what I get for going a new way and not at least jotting down directions.   The place was already filling up with knitters by the time I got there and kept a pretty steady flow of people coming in and out the whole time.  It turns out I had a really good time and met lots of nice people.  I'm actually looking forward to going back next month.  Sadly, I didn't get any pictures to share of the event.  To make up for that, I did get a cute shot of Moxie this morning.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Moxie Sitting Pretty"]Moxie Sitting Pretty[/caption]

In other knitting news, I finally got the yarn Moxie tangled all sorted out and finished my arm warmers:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="Toast, complete and toasty warm"]Toast, complete and toasty warm[/caption]

Pattern: Toast by Leslie Friend

Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Summer Sock

Needles: US 8

More details… here (ravelry link)

Sorry there were no modeled shots, but it's not easy to take a good picture of your own arms. ;)

One last picture, to make my mother jealous:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Yummy Trinidads! :P"]Yummy Trinidads! :P[/caption]


Loops said...

I'm glad I made you go, I'm also you glad you had a good time and are planning to go again :)

Moxie looks uber-cute as always, although it looks like she is starting to narrow here eyes like she's annoyed ;)

Trinidads are AWESOME!!!!! :P

Rcowlily said...

Jamie, I'm so glad the you went to the Knit Bee thing. I really enjoyed meeting you. I'd love to get to hang out with you more sometime. I know what it's like to move to Char. We came here in my 9th grade year went to Summervill High. It was 3 months before a teacher or anyone... ever even looked at me and not thru me. then several more to get a hello, or move it. But I did survive and I'm stronger for it. So keep your heard up and give me a call ***removed so you don't get spammed***. Have a wonderful afternoon. By the way I really like your blog site. Rebecca

Mom said...

Hey, Way to go! It usually is fun to meet people that have the same interests as you and you usually have a better time than you think you will! ie Me and my fishing as a great example. I have started a new afghan, yeah I am doing something besides reading! Moxie's picture is so much better than that evil one you took before. She actually looks like her cute self. I soooo want a trinidad!