Most people would find it odd that I've lived here in Charleston since May and don't actually know anyone. In fact, other than to say hi to a neighbor or two (of whom I have no idea what their names are) or speaking to the doctors or the dentist, I have said nothing more to anyone than whatever pleasantries you'd say to a stranger in passing. How is that possible? Well, to me it's easy. Since I work at home I don't have much opportunity to interact with people and I actually like my peaceful alone time. Not to mention I'm always weird around people so I tend not to be very social. I've been thinking for a while now I should try to get to know people more and try to interact at least a little. So in that spirit, I attended my first ever "Sit and Knit" last night. Loops had to all but push me out the door to get me to actually go, but I went. It was held at the new yarn shop in Summerville, the Village Knittery. She has just opened this month. I'd already been into the shop once before. That's how I knew about the "Sit and Knit" she was planning to have for Third Thursdays (which, from what I gather, is a downtown Summerville thing held once a month to promote the refurb of the area by having shops open late and special events and such). Anyway, I enjoyed my first visit so much and thought Emily, the owner, was so nice. In fact, the thought of her not having a super turnout for her first event was what finally got me out the door and on my way to Summerville. I arrived a little after 5pm. I was aiming for 4:45pm, but I took a wrong turn and got lost. That's what I get for going a new way and not at least jotting down directions. The place was already filling up with knitters by the time I got there and kept a pretty steady flow of people coming in and out the whole time. It turns out I had a really good time and met lots of nice people. I'm actually looking forward to going back next month. Sadly, I didn't get any pictures to share of the event. To make up for that, I did get a cute shot of Moxie this morning.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Moxie Sitting Pretty"]

In other knitting news, I finally got the yarn Moxie tangled all sorted out and finished my arm warmers:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="Toast, complete and toasty warm"]

Toast by
Leslie FriendYarn: Cherry Tree Hill Summer Sock
Needles: US 8
More details…
here (ravelry link)
Sorry there were no modeled shots, but it's not easy to take a good picture of your own arms. ;)
One last picture, to make my mother jealous:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Yummy Trinidads! :P"]

I'm glad I made you go, I'm also you glad you had a good time and are planning to go again :)
Moxie looks uber-cute as always, although it looks like she is starting to narrow here eyes like she's annoyed ;)
Trinidads are AWESOME!!!!! :P
Jamie, I'm so glad the you went to the Knit Bee thing. I really enjoyed meeting you. I'd love to get to hang out with you more sometime. I know what it's like to move to Char. We came here in my 9th grade year went to Summervill High. It was 3 months before a teacher or anyone... ever even looked at me and not thru me. then several more to get a hello, or move it. But I did survive and I'm stronger for it. So keep your heard up and give me a call ***removed so you don't get spammed***. Have a wonderful afternoon. By the way I really like your blog site. Rebecca
Hey, Way to go! It usually is fun to meet people that have the same interests as you and you usually have a better time than you think you will! ie Me and my fishing as a great example. I have started a new afghan, yeah I am doing something besides reading! Moxie's picture is so much better than that evil one you took before. She actually looks like her cute self. I soooo want a trinidad!
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