Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Barely Going

So I've been hoping to get a lot of stuff done lately, but have utterly failed.  What's keeping me from progress?  Believe it or not... heartburn.  OMG!  It's been so bad lately.  I practically have to sit up all the way to even sleep and I still get woken up around 4 or 5am.  It seems it eases back to bearable in just enough time for me to eat a meal and then it's back again.   Hopefully it will get better soon.

Enough complaining though.  In good news, I should complete my Chevron Scarf soon.  It's already long enough, but I want it to be extra long so I'm still knitting on it.  I'll post photos and more details when I'm finished.

As for the Drop-Stitch Lace Tank...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Lack of Progress"]Lack of Progress[/caption]

It's just sitting there, only 5 or 10 rows longer than when I first introduced it in the last blog.  After I finish my scarf, I'll jump back in on it though.  If you're wondering about my scribbles on the notepad, I have to write every detail down or I will not remember what I did.  It's sad how easily I forget.  Why in crayon?  I just couldn't find a pen or pencil on the 3rd floor and wasn't going to walk all the way down to the 1st floor to get one. :D

1 comment:

Loops said...

Crayon RULES! :D

I hope your heartburn feels better soon hunny...