Friday, November 13, 2009

Little projects

Little projects means I complete more things.  Not that I have.  It's just a theory at this point.  I might get more done if I didn't have to pack everything away so the house would look tidy for showings.   I just can't bear for people to know how messy I am.  I know it doesn't matter.  It's not like I'm the owner.  In fact, I'm sure people don't expect much when viewing a house with renters in it, but I have my own standards so I tidy up.  There have been two showings in the last 24 hours.   How do I feel about this?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="327" caption="Grumpy!"]Grumpy![/caption]

I could be happier.  I'm trying to get over it though.  Oh, above is one of my Christmas ornaments, by the way.  He's not finished.  He needs tiny bells on his hat and a ribbon to hang from.  He's one of about 8 that are mostly done.  All the others are happier, but I though I should mix it up and have a grumpy ornament or two as well.  They're so cute that I want to keep them all, but most are being given away.  Loops has demanded a pirate one.  I was working on it, but couldn't get a cool looking pirate hat so his pirate is just going to have a hat like all the others.  He's cool with it though.  As long as there's an eye patch and a scowl, he said he'd be happy.

I'm also making a cute elephant.  He's mostly in pieces right now and quite sad looking.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Sad and limbless. :("]Sad and limbless. :([/caption]

Hopefully he'll be much cuter when complete.


Loops said...

Yay for Pirate Christmas ornaments! YARRRRR!!!!!! :D

Hopefully the house will sell, so we don't have to worry about showings anymore.

Stacy said...

Cute. So this one's not a pirate...who is he then? Just a grumpy elf. I like him.

Mom said...

Finish that poor elephant......PLEASE !