Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quick turnaround

Not even a week and I'm blogging again.  I did say I'd be finishing up a sweater soon.  I finished it on Sunday and got it all washed up and photographed on Monday and Tuesday.  Without further ado,

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="341" caption="I'm, unoriginally, calling it $7.50 in Charleston"]I'm, unoriginally, calling it $7.50 in Charleston[/caption]

Pattern: $5 in Paris by Anna Peck

Yarn: Red Heart Soft

Needles: US 8 and 9

More details… here (ravelry link)

The pattern was easy, quick, and free.  The yarn is cheap and machine washable and dryable.  What more could a person ask for?  I could see myself doing this pattern again, probably in a solid color because I am tired of weaving in ends after all those stripes.  If you can't tell in the picture, the neck is so wide it will fall off my shoulders easily which is sort of what I was going for.  I wanted to be able to channel Jennifer Beals in Flashdance.  I've been going around singing Irene Cara's What a Feeling a lot since finishing it.  Maybe I'm too old to have a sweater falling off my shoulder.  I don't know.

So Loopas and Mom, what do you think?  (Anyone else who might read this is free to give opinions as well.)


Loops said...

This is my favorite knitted thing yet. You are nowhere near too old to pull this off. The top suits you, you look gorgeous in it :)

Mom said...

I agree with Loops.....FANTASTIC!!!! I love this sweater on you, sing away. You can even dance a little if you want.

Stacy said...

Awesome sweater! I think you look great in it.