Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ready for Fall to get here already!

I've never thought of myself as a lover of the colder months of the year, but it seems lately I've really been craving cooler weather.  The thought of living somewhere with an actual winter season has even crossed my mind.  I believe most of this craving is based on my desire to break out the boots and scarves, not to mention all the cute jackets I've managed to acquire over the past few years.  Today, it was the coolest it's been in the area (upper 70s) and I did manage to wear boots for the first time since going to Paris, but couldn't stay in my latest handknit for any longer than it took to take the pictures.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="339" caption="100 percent wool is WARM!"]100 percent wool is WARM![/caption]

Pattern: Cloudy Sunday by Hilary Smith Callis

Yarn: Louet Riverstone Chunky

Needles: US 11

More details… here (ravelry link)

I really enjoyed knitting this.  With the bulky yarn it knits up pretty quickly.  The pattern was easy to follow and, as part of Knit Pick's Independent Designer's Program, it was only $1.99.  What a deal, right?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="355" caption="Gotta love a big ol' cowl."]Gotta love a big ol' cowl.[/caption]

As for how it turned out...  It's a bit roomy.  I underestimated how much it would grow during blocking.  Sooner or later I will get the hang of things and my sweaters will fit better.  I think it still looks pretty good though.  What do you think?

In the next few days I should be finishing up another sweater I've been working on.  I'll try to get it washed and photographed as soon as possible so everyone can see.  By the way, I am also close to finishing a cardigan.  I'm just a knitting machine.


Loops said...

Jamie is indeed a KNITTING MACHINE!!!!!! :D

Mom said...

It looks Great ! If I had some tight jeans and cool boots it might even be me! But hey, Wool and short sleeves? Can't wait to see the next marvel of knitting magic from the "Machine"