Thursday, October 28, 2010

Torture and anything but.

Yesterday, I went and got a root canal I'd been putting off for awhile.  To say it was torture is really a terrible exaggeration.  I don't see what all the gloom and doom about root canals is.  I've had two and I have to say they are probably the easiest dental procedures I've had.  The worst part is having to go get a crown put on the tooth and the fact that our insurance will only cover 50% of the cost.  Ouch.   Now THAT is torture!

What is anything but torture?  The latest pattern I knit.  It was a whole lot of wonderful.  I learned a new increase that I LOVE.  I only had to pick up a total of 12 stitches for the whole sweater.  The only weaving in I had to do was at the neck, bottom, and under the arms. What's the best part?  It fits.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="353" caption="Isn't it wonderful?"]Isn't it wonderful?[/caption]

Pattern: Idlewood by Cecily Glowik MacDonald

Yarn: Berroco Ultra Alpaca

Needles: US 10 and 10.5

More details… here (ravelry link)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="361" caption="Loops insisted on taking a pic of my butt."]Loops insisted on taking a pic of my butt.[/caption]

Continuing the love-fest.  I love this yarn.  Ok.  It's a smidge itchy and got fuzz all over me as I knit, but there's a lot of cool colors going on.  It's like a fall feast for the eyes.  Yellow, gold, brown, red, and even a little black.  I wasn't sure I liked it when I bought it, but now, you guessed it, I LOVE it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="361" caption="Anyone noticed how I always look drugged in pictures?"]Anyone noticed how I always look drugged in pictures?[/caption]

On a sad note, I'm seriously thinking of frogging the cardigan I'm knitting.  It pains me to undo all the work I've done, but it is just too big.  Right now, I'm not doing anything with it though.  I'm just not ready to make a move on it one way or the other.

On to happier things to look forward to for my next post. I'm about a third of the way through a new sweater and it may be ready in about a week. Stay tuned. :)


Loops said...

You you look lovely in this, it fits you perfectly :)

Oh and your butt looks awesome :P

I've never noticed that you look drugged in any pictures by the way...

Mom said...

I agree, You look lovely. BUT I think I like the other one that is longer like a tunic. I thought it looked awesome with the boots! Really I like them both, two different looks. You do not look like a doper, just a little goofy, and that is only because you insist on making faces in front of a camera! You always look sweet even with the comic faces. Love you!