Monday, February 14, 2011

It's been like forever

Loops started nagging me almost a month ago to make a blog post.  Obviously I don't really listen to him.  He should know by now I do things in my own time and cannot be rushed into anything.  Not to mention I had nothing to blog about.  I needed to finish a project or have something exciting happen before bothering to post anything.  Sadly, nothing exciting has happened, but I did finish something I've been working on for a bit. So...

At Christmas I promised my favorite sister I'd knit her a new scarf so she could keep warm and cozy while hiking and whatnot.  Soon after Christmas I purchased the yarn for her scarf (Loops picked the color.) and got to knitting.  I soon started regretting my choice of pattern because seed stitch is so tedious and boring, but I'm glad I stuck with it because this is one warm and cuddly scarf.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="378" caption="Look how soft and cuddly it looks!"][/caption]

Pattern: GAP-tastic Cowl by Jen Geigley

Yarn: Loops & Threads Charisma

Needles: US 13

More details… here (ravelry link)

I love infinity scarves.  They are very easy to wear either double wrapped as above or worn draped around the neck  like below.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="378" caption="The only thing better than the scarf? This shirt!"]The only thing better than the scarf?  This shirt![/caption]

I hope Stacy likes it.  Now just to wash it and get it ready to send to her.


Loops said...

The scarf is very cool. I hope Stacy likes it!

You look lovely in that cool t-shirt too :)

Stacy said...

Wow! Yay!!!! It looks awesome. Very nice color choice as well, Lewis. Jamie, I remember you saying you were getting that shirt. It's cute. I'm very excited to receive my new scarf. It will be my first infinity scarf ever. Thank you for all your time consuming labors to make it. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your favorite sister,


Loops said...

@Stacy, You're welcome (On the color choice) :)

Mom said...

That color is going to look great on Stacy! Can't wait to see it!