Thursday, October 27, 2011

Can you say curly?

My new shawl/scarf is very, very curly.  I decided that's ok though.  It is colorful and the back is as cute as the front so all is well.

I'm happier about this scarf than I look.
I'm happier about this scarf than I look.

Pattern: Speedline by Alexandra Tinsley

Yarn: Berroco Vintage and Cascade 220

Needles: US 9

More details… here (ravelry link)

Look at that masterful knitting!
Look at that masterful knitting!

The pattern was super easy and great football knitting.  The only change I made was to cast on less stitches (40 less, I think.) because I was using up stash yarn.  The pattern calls for DK weight yarn, but I used a worsted weight instead.

Just so you don't think I was too serious today.
Just so you don't think I was too serious today.
Now for a little known fact about me (until  now).  Although I don't get the whole fake mustache craze, I am a bit obsessed with making mustaches out of random things.  My favorite is the kitty tail mustache, but I will use a vine or scarf  in a pinch.


Loops said...

Pretty scarf :)

Silly Jamie ;-)

Mom said...

Masterful knitting indeed and colorful. We love your "Silly"!