Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'll have ten, please.

It seems it is time for finished projects to start rolling in again.  I have two so far this week.  One is a gift that I won't blog about, but have posted pics to Google+ so most of you have probably seen it.  The other is a top I've been dying to make since the preview of the pattern came out months ago.  As soon as the pattern was released, I purchased it.  Since I had purchased the yarn for it the month before I was ready to start right away.

Behold the loveliness (of the top)!
Behold the loveliness (of the top)!

Pattern: Xia by Kessa Tay Anlin

Yarn: Knit Picks Comfy Sport

Needles: US 3 and 6

More details… here (ravelry link)

Look at that crocheted edging!
Look at that crocheted edging!

I actually made it too small, but I think it's cute as a more fitted top.  Also, I got to crochet for the first time.  I think I did pretty good for a beginner.  As for the pattern, it was pretty straight forward.  The only thing that wasn't really obvious was the lace chart and how things repeated while doing waist increases.  It was easy enough to figure out as the the lace pattern is obvious, but a beginner might be thrown off for a second.  Also, I should've listened to other knitters, the armholes are snug.  For my fitted top, they are fine, but when I make another larger one, it might look a bit funny with pit-hugger sleeves.  I will definitely make them about an inch bigger.

Outside is so dirty!
Outside is so dirty!


Loops said...

I must admit I was beholding the loveliness of the Jamie and the top :P

I'm so glad you included that last candid photo, it was so funny when I took it! :D

Ellen Rozsa said...

after I posted my Espenson comment, I scrolled through and saw that you had completed a couple of patterns that I had looked at or tried from I also made a Saroyan scarf in a rich self-striping Malabrigo wool that looks great, but for whatever reason, I just didn't end up wearing it that much. I think I like making scarves for others.

I did not attempt the Sweet November shawl because I like larger ones, and because the mesh holes were too big for my taste. I could just see myself snagging the scarf onto all kinds of things, and either wrecking it, or ending my life a la Isadora Duncan.

I liked the racerback tank (lacy one) very much and I may attempt that at some point for one of my much thinner daughters. Trouble is, I'm still an advanced beginner (haven't knitted a sock yet and haven't cabled, and my shaping skills really suck) and a lot of these patterns are just too advanced for me.

I think your projects have come out very well. My goal is reach your skill level so I can actually make some fitted type garments.