Thursday, October 16, 2008

Attempting things beyond my skill level

So I've been thinking about knitting things of a non rectangular shape for awhile now, but have found it a bit scary.  As slow as I am, the thought of knitting a sweater is just too much.  I'm not much of a hat or mitten person either so I decided I'd try knitting socks.  I've mentioned this in a previous blog.  I even bought a book about it (which is what I do when I think I might want to try something). Well, yesterday, the making of a sock officially began.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Trust me. It is a sock."]Trust me.  It is a sock.[/caption]

In truth, I almost gave up.  Those first few rounds were awful.  Needles were going everywhere and I really wasn't sure if I could do it.  After the first two or three rounds though, it became much easier to knit.  Hopefully I'll complete this.  I mean, I've already almost quit once and I haven't even gotten to the tough parts yet!   I've only ever done the basics of knitting: knit, purl, simple increases and decreases.  I'm sure making socks isn't that difficult, but I'm going to have to teach myself a lot of things to complete this project.  I'll keep you updated on it no matter what happens.


Loops said...

I am very interested to see how this turns out! I would love some funky "Jamie-made" socks :D

Mom said...

Hey everything is beyond your skill level until you learn how to do it ! I'll take a pair with a fish on the side. It looks like you are working with chop sticks. Very cool !