Monday, October 20, 2008

What's being knitted right now?

Not only am I knitting my first sock (which is not showing much progress right now), I am also knitting a few other things.  I'm knitting a scarf out of Bernat Bamboo yarn.  I'm not sure I like how it looks, but it feels so soft I don't really care what it looks like.  I haven't taken any pictures of it.  Sorry.

I am also knitting a Chevron Scarf.  I'm not knitting it nearly fast enough.  I should be finishing it so I can wear it.  The evenings are getting cool enough for scarves.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="352" caption="Chevron Scarf Progress"]Chevron Scarf Progress[/caption]

The other thing I'm working on is a blanket.  It is knit in panels and I'm just on the first one right now, but I'm really liking it and it's easy to knit.  It's become my football knitting.  I'll be continuing with it tonight.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="354" caption="Winging It Blankie Progress"]Winging It Blankie Progress[/caption]


Loops said...

The knitting looks cool so far :)

When do I get a scarf? ;)

Jamie said...

You don't even like scarves!

Loops said...

Maybe I need a blanket then? :P