[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Lambie modeling Stacy's scarf"]
Pattern: Diagonal Striped Scarf
Yarn: Vanna's Choice in Taupe and Dusty Blue
Needle: US 10
I did change it a bit from the pattern. I used a lighter yarn, cast on 32 instead of 14, knit more rows of each color, and I slipped the first stitch of each row because I thought it made it look more tidy.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Diagonal Stripped Scarf Roll"]
I actually completed this a week a go, but had to wait for Stacy to receive it for her birthday today before posting anything about it.
In other news, the new furniture should be here tomorrow. Luna's excited because she'll have something to sit on while staring up at the skylights.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="334" caption="Luna in serious stare mode"]
I like the scarf, it's prettier than mine....boo hoo.
Thanks for making me your friend but I can't seem to do anything on that place. I tried to write on your page to thank you and April's too. Nothing happened. Is there some secret to it? Luna stares at the skylight?
Luna loves looking up out of the skylight. Dottie actually loves it more. I guess birds fly by and stuff.
Stacy may have the better scarf, but she doesn't have any dishclothes and you have two.
Yay! It's cool you finished something, you need to post about my new dishcloth too :D
I hope Luna and Dottie like the furniture and don't attack the hell outta it! :)
Oh and hey Lambie!
My scarf is very cool! It is better than anyone else's. Jamie slaved over it with her own crafty skill. It's great. I fear that the furniture will be destroyed by such vicious looking cats. I'm surprised Lambie has made it with them around! :D
Stacy got the opportunity to wear her new scarf last night as we took Peepaw for a walk around the block when it was about 42 degrees. She was warm with it on, and it looked really good on her. Peepaw did good on the walk. He had a ton of energy in the beginning but tired out close to the end even though it was a short walk.
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