I've been working on my U-Neck Tunic. It's coming along nicely.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="U-Neck Tunic Progress"]
I've also done a bit on a new scarf. It is being done in a lovely green Malabrigo. Also peaking from the side of the picture is my favorite and most used knitting book, The Knitting Answer Book by Margaret Radcliffe.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="Marylin Scarf Started"]
Lastly, I've done a bit of work on my Lace Ribbon Scarf. Sadly I cannot seem to learn my lesson about not knitting lace in public. I managed to mess up my pattern on the first round I did at the new knitting meet-up I attended. I forgot a yarn over, as can clearly be seen in the circle below.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Bad, Bad Lace!"]
I can live with the error though. Speaking of the knitting meet-up... (You can find group at Meetup.com.) It was a lot of fun. It's held on James Island every Monday at a nice little cafe and everyone's really nice. I just hope I'm well enough to go this next week.
Next time I blog, it should be about my first finished object in FOREVER. I just have to seam up the Drop Stitch Tank and it will be complete.
You were very brave and such a good patient when I looked after you on Thursday :)
I hope you feel better soon. When you are all better I'll treat you to an awesome meal out, to make up for having liquid/soft foods ;)
Glad you finally wrote something new. I was getting tired of checking everyday only to see OLD NEWS. It is your job to keep your mother informed and entertained!
I like the green for the new scarf, that is an awfully little mess up on the lacy one, the gray tunic is lovely, and I can't wait to see the green top finished. Don't forget to model it for me!
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