The weather's been great here in Charleston the past few days. It seems Fall is finally coming and I'm excited about it. I've had my fill of the super hot and humid. I just wish I had a yard to sit out and enjoy the weather. I guess I can't complain though. I don't have to mow grass and if I want to enjoy the outdoors, I can just go to the beach. In fact, Loops and I went to Folly Beach again Thursday evening for a couple of hours. While Loops took pictures of graffiti, I spent some time with the birds watching the waves come in.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Watching the Waves"]
It was very peaceful. I'm not sure about Loops, but I had a good time. After the beach, we went out to eat and to the bookstore. I picked up Getting Started Knitting Socks by Ann Budd. I haven't delved too deep into the book yet, but it looks informative so, hopefully, I'll be knitting socks soon enough.
In other knitting news, I finished another dishcloth. It was for Mom, and since she's received it, I can post a picture.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Did I mention I love this pattern?"]
I've purchased more cotton yarn because Loops is demanding a new dishcloth of his very own so you will be seeing yet another dishcloth picture in the near future. I'm still working on Stacy's scarf. I've adjusted the pattern more, given it thicker stripes. The picture below shows both versions.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="357" caption="New vs. Old"]
I've completed about a foot of scarf, which is a little over twice as much as pictured above. I should be finished with it by now, but I haven't been working on it as much as I should. I'll try to do better. I promise.
To finish off for the night, I leave you with my half-eaten dessert.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Tiramisu, or as it likes to be called, TIRAM'SU"]
I got this at Publix tonight. I got a kick out of opening it and seeing they'd "labeled" it. It was pretty good for store bakery dessert. :P
I enjoyed the beach silly, I thought I told you that? Hmmm, anyways it was a nice walk and I got to take some pictures :)
I like the bird picture. The birds look really sharp...
That was much more informative, thank you! Are the waves ever calm? The birds were cool, really good pic. Stacy's going to love her scarf....why was mine so plain?
Pepper is going home tomorrow so I guess I will be trying to gather up all his stuff today. We are gonna miss him.
I don't suppose the waves are ever calm, but they were especially, ummm..., wavy that day. :D
Your scarf was plain because it was the first thing I ever made. You next scarf will be super fancy, yet functional, I'm sure.
You could just go home with Pep.
You know I can't leave the children. Thanks to you I have four of them. My babysitter moved to South Carolina so now I can never leave home again!
The birds are cool.Can't make out whats written on the cake?
You should read the comment under the photo ;)
"Tiramisu, or as it likes to be called, TIRAM'SU"
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