Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Squirrels Gone Wild!

That's what my t-shirt says right now and that's what my house will be like if I have my way and knit up about 10 million of these squirrel cushions.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Cuddle Squirrel with little Lambie"]Cuddle Squirrel with little Lambie[/caption]

Pattern:  Nathaniel by Ysolda

Yarn: Bernat Alpaca Natural Blends

Needles:  US 9

More details… here (ravelry link)

My love for this squirrel cannot be measured.  I think it may be extra special to me because it reminds me of a quilt my grandma made that had applique squirrel silhouettes all over it.  I seriously will be making more of them, just not out of the yarn I used.  That Bernat Alpaca is just a bit too hairy for my tastes.

I know this will be hard to believe, but the squirrel isn't the only thing I've completed.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Christmas Korknisse Set"]Christmas Korknisse Set[/caption]

Pattern:  Korknisse by Manne (English translation)

Yarn: Knit Picks Shamrock

Needles:  US 4

More details… here (ravelry link)

I made these ornaments for my knitting group and had a few left over for myself.  They are super cute and were fun and easy to make.  For anyone who hasn't already seen the special one I made for Loops:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="355" caption="Arrrgghh!"]Arrrgghh![/caption]

Loops, of course, loves him and refuses to have him as an ornament because he wants to look at him year round.  He sort of reminds me of Bob.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="329" caption="Crazy-eyed Bob"]Crazy-eyed Bob[/caption]

Friday, November 13, 2009

Little projects

Little projects means I complete more things.  Not that I have.  It's just a theory at this point.  I might get more done if I didn't have to pack everything away so the house would look tidy for showings.   I just can't bear for people to know how messy I am.  I know it doesn't matter.  It's not like I'm the owner.  In fact, I'm sure people don't expect much when viewing a house with renters in it, but I have my own standards so I tidy up.  There have been two showings in the last 24 hours.   How do I feel about this?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="327" caption="Grumpy!"]Grumpy![/caption]

I could be happier.  I'm trying to get over it though.  Oh, above is one of my Christmas ornaments, by the way.  He's not finished.  He needs tiny bells on his hat and a ribbon to hang from.  He's one of about 8 that are mostly done.  All the others are happier, but I though I should mix it up and have a grumpy ornament or two as well.  They're so cute that I want to keep them all, but most are being given away.  Loops has demanded a pirate one.  I was working on it, but couldn't get a cool looking pirate hat so his pirate is just going to have a hat like all the others.  He's cool with it though.  As long as there's an eye patch and a scowl, he said he'd be happy.

I'm also making a cute elephant.  He's mostly in pieces right now and quite sad looking.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Sad and limbless. :("]Sad and limbless. :([/caption]

Hopefully he'll be much cuter when complete.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A day late

Everyone who really knows me is aware that Halloween is, by far, my least favorite holiday.  Something about dressing up and knocking on doors to get candy never really did it for me, not even when I was little.  Needless to say, I'm happy it is over.  The only thing I'm sad about now is the fact that I wanted to get my cute little bat toys completed before the holiday and didn't.  I was delayed by the inability to find the correct eyes.  I had to order them and they didn't get here until Thursday.  Last night at about 10pm I finally got one put all together, but it was too late to take any decent pictures so I decided to wait until this morning to post a blog about it.

Meet Boo!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Boo, just hangin'"]Boo, just hangin[/caption]

I know.  That's the cutest bat you've ever seen, right?  Well, it gets cuter:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="370" caption="Boo, wrapped up"]Boo, wrapped up[/caption]

Pattern:  Boo the Bat by Anna Hrachovec

Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted

Needles:  US 6

More details… here (ravelry link)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Boo's got back"]Boos got back[/caption]

Now to make more since Loops claimed this little Boo.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cats ankle socks and travel

No I haven't stooped to knitting little socks for the kitties (yet).  I just find the title much more fun without the commas so I left them out.  I know.  I'm easily amused.   Long time, no blog, huh?  I have no excuse.  I'm just lazy and until last week, there wasn't much going on to blog about.

I was going to start the blog with a cute cat picture, but they all had different plans.  I bent down to get a nice shot of Dottie in the sun and as I get ready to click the shutter Moxie decides Dottie needs a bath.  That might've made a cute picture, but, at the same time, Bob started trying to climb up on me and this is the results:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Dottie's photo-op disrupted"]Dotties photo-op disrupted[/caption]

What's worse (and darker) than this horrible picture?  Loops' ankle.  Good segue, wasn't it?  He had a tumble down our stairs on Wednesday.  We had him checked out and it was an ankle sprain and should be better soon.  He's still limping around, but is back in work so maybe with my days free from nurse duty I'll get some knitting done.

The only thing I've really been working on is my socks.  You know, the ones I let everyone vote for the yarn to make them.  I'm about half through with the first sock and they're turning out well.  See:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="My new colorful socks started!"]My new colorful socks started![/caption]

The pattern is fun and they work up pretty quickly so I should have a completed pair in no time.  Maybe I'll finish them while I'm back in Alabama.  I'll be flying direct from Charlotte to Birmingham on Oct. 3rd and be with the family for two fun filled weeks.  Hopefully Loops and the kitties can live that long without me. ;)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Second sock syndrome? Not for me.

Through a stern will and extreme determination, I have kept myself from catching the dreaded second sock syndrome.  For those who don't know, second sock syndrome is a very common thing among knitters who knit socks.  Basically, you see a pair of socks you want to knit so you get your pattern and your yarn all together and joyfully start knitting.  Once the first is complete you get to stare at it, pet it, and show it around to everyone you know so they can marvel at your knitting prowess.  Here's where the problems start.  See, you've completed the pattern and have a complete knitted item, but because feet insist on coming in pairs, you have to do the whole pattern you just did all over again.  For some reason, the second time you knit something is  not nearly as interesting as the first.  You already know what's going to happen.  It's like watching a rerun you just saw last week.  You'd much rather watch a new episode or a completely different show, right?  Sadly, unless you are happy knitting things that will never be used or you know someone who is happy to wear mismatched socks, you have to knit the second one.  So I did:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="First pair of socks... COMPLETE!"]First pair of socks... COMPLETE![/caption]

Pattern:  7 Stitches per Inch Socks by Ann Budd

Yarn:  Plymouth Yarn Happy Feet

Needles:  US 3

More details… here (ravelry link)

They are ok for a first attempt, but I'm hoping to improve a lot on my next pair, which brings me to the interactive portion of the blog.  My next pair of socks will be for me and I've already picked the pattern I plan to use, Sunday Swing Socks.  Now I just need to pick the yarn to use.  I give you 4 choices to pick from:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="416" caption="You make the call!"]You make the call![/caption]

Friday, August 7, 2009

Blogging from the couch

That's right.  I'm on the couch.  With possibly the cutest little laptop ever created.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The Toshiba NB205"]The Toshiba NB205[/caption]

It is great and tiny.  It's just over 10" wide.  It works really well and should be nice to take with me wherever I go.  Loops laughs at me, but I just LOVE the way it looks.  Check out the outside.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Yummy texture in frost white!"]Yummy texture in frost white![/caption]

Ok.  Enough about my little netbook.  On to the knitting updates.

I actually haven't been getting much done with the knitting the past week or so.  I've been in a bit of a funk, I suppose.  I'm trying to get out of it though.

Uhura is pretty much at a standstill.  I did get to the bottom of the back half and did the hem.  I now want to hem everything I do.  I think it's great.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Not so great picture, but a great hem!"]Not so great picture, but a great hem![/caption]

I have also started another Ishbel shawl.  It's going to be more summery since I'm using a cotton/silk blend.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ishbel in my favorite color, grey."]Ishbel in my favorite color, grey.[/caption]

Last on the list of projects I've actually been working on, the sock.  This sock has been in progress since last year.  I just couldn't get into it, but recently decided I wanted to get on with it so I dug out the few inches of leg I had done and started knitting.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="378" caption="Sort of like a rainbow got sick, huh?"]Sort of like a rainbow got sick, huh?[/caption]

Sadly, it seems too big.  Last year, I wasn't nearly as careful about getting the correct gauge as I am now.  I'm happy that I can actually make a sock though.  Turning a heel just seems very impressive to me, even after doing it and finding out it's actually pretty easy.  Now I just have to get to the toes.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Adding to the family

Back in November, I wrote a blog and introduced Moxie.  Here's what I had to say:
Sure we didn’t need another cat, but we’ve been wanting a third.  We’ll try to stop at that number though.  I have a feeling between her and Dottie we’ll have our hands too full for any others.

I guess I was wrong because the past month we'd really been talking about getting a fourth cat.  We went back and forth with the whole need and want debate and changed our minds about 20 times.  In the end, the desire to have another cat won out so we went down to Pet Helpers.  It's a great shelter.  They have most of the adult cats in 4 different rooms with all kinds of things for them to climb and sleep on.  You can just walk right in and meet them.  Between the two days I went there to pick out a cat, I must have spent 5 hours total just going back and forth from room to room meeting all the cats.  It's sad how many cats were there and some have been there for years.

As a little introduction to who our new cat is, I've copied his description from the Pet Helpers website
Ok I don’t want to seem conceded but I may be the coolest cat to have ever entered the pearly gates of Pet Helpers. Ask any staff member you pass who the most awesome cat in the shelter is and they will invariably say me. I will be the first to great you when you walk in the room and try to ride out on your shoulders. It is a crime to think I have been here for almost a year, don’t make me wait a minute longer. I scored nearly perfect on my felinality test but you don’t need a test to see I’m over qualified to be your cat.

They were not exaggerating about him riding out on your shoulders either.  He will jump right on if you let him.  Anyway,  I know y'all are all wanting to actually see him.  Meet Bob.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="370" caption="Mr. Bobertons"]Mr. Bobertons[/caption]

He seems to be settling right in around here and is not bothered by all these crazy girls hissing at him all the time.  Hopefully they'll become more friendly soon and Bob will get over his "I must explore the kitchen countertops" phase and we'll be able to let him roam the house freely at night.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ready to attack!"]Ready to attack![/caption]

Bob request that any "welcome to the family" gifts you may feel like sending be little tinsel balls like the one above.  He LOVES them and doesn't understand why the girls would like furry mice more.

Today was vet day for Luna and Bob.  They were very good kitties and were only fussy during shots and anything involving their butts.  I don't blame them.  Do you?  Bob's got an antibiotic shot because he's running a bit of a fever.  Hopefully, he'll be better soon.  Otherwise, both cats were in good health and are now being lazy at home.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="352" caption="Lazy kitties"]Lazy kitties[/caption]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I never thought I would make a shawl.  I mean, when am I gonna wear one?   They always seemed so dressy and fussy, but after seeing so many Ishbels made by others I couldn't resist.  I figured if I made the small version, it would almost be like a scarf so I went on and bought yarn and cast on for one.   It ended up a little bigger than I expected, but it's so pretty.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ishbel, all blocked and ready to wear!"]Ishbel, all blocked and ready to wear![/caption]

Pattern: Ishbel by Ysolda Teague

Yarn: Berroco Ultra Alpaca Fine

Needles: US 8

More details… here (ravelry link)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ishbel, up close"]Ishbel, up close[/caption]

I loved making this.  In fact, I can't get over how much fun I had.  I want to make 50 more.  I probably won't go that crazy, but I really am considering at least one more.  We'll see.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="Lambie modeling Ishbel"]Lambie modeling Ishbel[/caption]

Monday, July 13, 2009

For those who can't wait

You know who you are (mom).

I finished my shawl on Sunday night.  Right now it's blocking and I will post a full post about it once it's dry.  Here's a sneak peek.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="Ishbel Unblocked"]Ishbel Unblocked[/caption]

I have yet to finish my other main project, the Uhura tank top.  I'm still working on the back, but here's the latest:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Uhura's latest progress"]Uhuras latest progress[/caption]

Well, that's probably the shortest post ever.  Sorry Mom.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fresh Kicks (as the kids would say) and new shawls

It's a sad fact, at least for Loops, but when we go shoe shopping for him, I am the one who ends up with new shoes.  I got two pairs this time while he didn't get a single pair.  Mine are great, especially my sneakers.  Here's the view I've been staring at all day.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="My colorful new shoes!"]My colorful new shoes![/caption]

I can't stop looking down at them.  They're so fun.

I also started my Ishbel shawl that I wrote about in the previous journal.  It is FLYING off the needles.  Just this weekend I've done almost all of the first section, which is all stockinette stitch.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ishbel Started"]Ishbel Started[/caption]

Once I do the last few rows of this section, I will start the lace charts.  It will probably slow me down a bit, but I still feel like I'll be finishing this project in record time.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Winding and winding and winding and...

I guess you get the point.  Since Loops is working late again (I swear he only does it for the free supper!), I thought I'd get out the Berroco Ultra Alpaca Fine that I purchased a while back and wind it up.  That's 433 yards of fingering weight yarn.  We won't even get into the tangled mess the hank was in.  I think I've untangled it all though and it should be smooth winding from now on.  It will still take forever to do by hand though.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="357" caption="Getting ready to knit Ishbel"]Getting ready to knit Ishbel[/caption]

It was purchased to make the lovely and super popular Ishbel Shawl from Ysolda Teague.  The pattern can be purchased from her website as either the single pattern or it can be found within her new book, Whimsical Little Knits, if you're interested.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="357" caption="Whimsical Little Knits by Ysolda Teague"]Whimsical Little Knits by Ysolda Teague[/caption]

It's a great little book.  I really like all the patterns and will get around to knitting a lot of them in the future.

I'm still knitting steadily on my other project, Uhura.  There's not enough done to show any real progress yet, but hopefully I'll be able to show you more soon.

Friday, June 19, 2009

And then there were two...

Completed tops, that is.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="324" caption="U-Neck Tunic Complete!"]U-Neck Tunic Complete![/caption]

Pattern: Deep U-Neck Tunic by Stefanie Japel from Glam Knits

Yarn: Dark Horse Fantasy

Needles: US 8 and US 6

More details… here (ravelry link)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="U-Neck Tunic upclose"]U-Neck Tunic upclose[/caption]

The whole top down knitting thing was fun and made it so easy to try it on as I went.  I was loving the top until I went to pick up stitches for the trim around the neck.  I did it twice and still had some puckering.  After the second attempt, I decided it was good enough and just left it as you see it.  Hopefully, I'll get better at the whole picking up stitches thing as the new pattern I just started involves a lot of it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Uhura started"]Uhura started[/caption]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Simper's Wild Kingdom

This was going to be a post about how glad I was that we moved from our townhouse in a tidy subdivision to an older neighborhood.  That was before I found out earlier that the owner of the new house we just moved into has decided to sell it, just like the owner of the townhouse decided to do.  It really makes a person never want to rent again.  I guess it's just something we have to accept. :(

Onto the post's original content though.  I love having a yard.  Not just a yard, but a yard that has actual trees.  We have birds and squirells everywhere.  It makes me so happy to look out the window and see critters.  The cats love it too.

Now onto the pictures.  These are basically snapshots, nothing fancy, but I wanted to share the cuteness.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="On the Fence"]On the Fence[/caption]

The squirells are loving all the mushrooms that have been popping up all over the yard.   The other day they were everywhere, chowing down.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Tasty treat time!"]Tasty treat time![/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Nom, nom!"]Nom, nom![/caption]

If the squirrels weren't cute enough, today I looked out the back window and saw a little lizard on the deck.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="393" caption="Lizard time!"]Lizard time![/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="393" caption="Hanging out!"]Hanging out![/caption]

I shot the lizard shots through the back window because I didn't want to scare him off.  He was hanging out on our deck box which is still empty since we can't find any cushions we like for our deck benches.

That's really all I have to blog about now.  The next post should include another finished knitted object so stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First knitted top - Check!

It's been a year and a half since I started this whole knitting thing (I did take about 5 months off there in the middle somewhere, but there was still over a year of knitting that happened.) and I've finally completed my first top.  It was started near the end of January and took over 4 months to finish, which is pretty sad seeing as most people knit it up in a month or less, but I'm both a procrastinator and just naturally do everything at a slow pace, so 4 months really isn't that bad.  I suppose I should stop babbling and show it off, huh?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Complete and Wearable! Yay!"]Complete and Wearable!  Yay![/caption]

If you're wondering, that's my grumpy, I hate my picture taken, but I'm trying to hide it face and in no way reflects how I actually feel about the top.  The top is actually very nice and comfy and I'm very glad it fits.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Ribs and Lace"]Ribs and Lace[/caption]

Pattern: Drop-Stitch Lace Tank by Stefanie Japel from Fitted Knits

Yarn: Estelle Young Touch Cotton DK

Needles: US 7

More details… here (ravelry link)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Buttonless Buttonband"]Buttonless Buttonband[/caption]

I think I've decided not to put buttons on it.  I did the buttonband, but the 'v' isn't as deep as I thought it would be and I think it looks good as it is.

My thoughts on the pattern?  I think it's a great pattern for a first top.  You get to try things like lace, picking up stitches, and seaming with a pattern that is very forgiving as far as sizing goes because it is soooo stretchy.

So, do y'all like it?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Knitting from the sick bed :(

I had 3 wisdom teeth extracted on Thursday morning and although I've thankfully been in little pain, I'm suppose to take it easy.  On the bright side, there's nothing like having time for getting knitting done because you're not allowed to do much else.  So I thought I'd do a quick blog to update everyone on my works in progress.

I've been working on my U-Neck Tunic.  It's coming along nicely.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="U-Neck Tunic Progress"]U-Neck Tunic Progress[/caption]

I've also done a bit on a new scarf.  It is being done in a lovely green Malabrigo.  Also peaking from the side of the picture is my favorite and most used knitting book, The Knitting Answer Book by Margaret Radcliffe.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="Marylin Scarf Started"]Marylin Scarf Started[/caption]

Lastly, I've done a bit of work on my Lace Ribbon Scarf.  Sadly I cannot seem to learn my lesson about not knitting lace in public.  I managed to mess up my pattern on the first round I did at the new knitting meet-up I attended.  I forgot a yarn over, as can clearly be seen in the circle below.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Bad, Bad Lace!"]Bad, Bad Lace![/caption]

I can live with the error though.  Speaking of the knitting meet-up...  (You can find group at  It was a lot of fun.  It's held on James Island every Monday at a nice little cafe and everyone's really nice.  I just hope I'm well enough to go this next week.

Next time I blog, it should be about my first finished object in FOREVER.  I just have to seam up the Drop Stitch Tank and it will be complete.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Scarves and a very important tutorial

Basically, I started knitting because I discovered a love for scarves.  I had never had one until my MIL gave me one she had made for me.  It's gray and simple and long and I LOVE it.  I suppose I've never had  much need for scarves because I've lived in places that never get cold for very long.  It never occured to me how great scarves could be.  Once it gets warmer and the AC is running constantly I'll probably be wearing a scarf around the house.  I get too cold with the AC on, but it's too hot without it.  The scarf around my neck keeps me just warm enough. :D

I have two scarves going right now.  There is a Lace Ribbon Scarf (the pattern is free from Knitty) and one from Issue 13 of Yarn Forward magazine, Marylin.

The Lace Ribbon Scarf is maybe 15% complete.  I'm using a sock yarn from Pagewood Farms that is a lovely mix of reds and pinks.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Lace Ribbon Scarf: The Beginning"]Lace Ribbon Scarf: The Beginning[/caption]

The other, Marylin, is being made out of Malabrigo Worsted in a lovely shade of green.  I've barely started it and haven't taken any pictures of the two inches I've done.  I did take a picture of the lovely yarn after spending the evening winding it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Malabrigo for Marylin"]Malabrigo for Marylin[/caption]

Now on to the tutorial section of this blog.  Sorry, I don't feel I know enough about knitting to tutor anyone, but there is one thing I know about that I feel I need to share with the world.  It's come to my attention that a large majority of people do not know the way to properly assemble a peanut butter and banana sandwich.   It seems that many people just spread some peanut butter on the bread and slice some banana on top of it and call it a sandwich.  If you are one of those people, you are truley missing out on how good a simple pb&b can be.

Here's what you'll need for one sandwich:

1/2 a ripe banana

1 tablespoon of peanut butter

2 pieces of bread

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="435" caption="Nice and simple ingredients"]Nice and simple ingredients[/caption]

You will need a fork for the next and most important step.  You need to mash the banana and peanut butter all together until it resembles something you might not want to eat.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="435" caption="I know. It looks gross."]I know.  It looks gross.[/caption]

It may not look yummy, but you'll have to trust me.  Just scoop up your mashed pb&b and spread it onto the bread.  Once you've got it all on there, place the other piece of bread on top and enjoy. :P

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="435" caption="YUMMY!"]YUMMY![/caption]

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nothing's Getting Completed

Well, I'm knitting every single day, but I'm sort of in the middle of everything so I don't have much to update about.  I'll be traveling back to Alabama on Sunday and staying for the week.  Hopefully I'll get lots of knitting done then because I know my parents will leave me everyday to go fishing if the weather's nice.

It's really not fair to say nothing's been completed though.  The cats would totally disagree.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Moxie and the Snake"]Moxie and the Snake[/caption]

I knit two new toy snakes.  I knit this pattern once early on in my knitting life (last year), and it's looking pretty raggedy so I thought it'd be nice to knit some new ones for the kitties and to convert the pattern to the round and practice my magic loop while I was at it.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Luna and the Snake"]Luna and the Snake[/caption]

Pattern: Henry's Toy Snake by Monnibo Designs
Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted
Needles: US 4

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Red and White Snake"]Red and White Snake[/caption]

The one thing I'd suggest when making this pattern is to not skimp on the catnip when stuffing the snake.  The yellow and green snake has catnip and the pristine looking red and white one above does not.  They are just not very interested in a snake with no catnip, it seems.

If you're wondering why I don't have any action shots of Dottie playing with the snake, it's because she just wanted to sit up at the window and look down her nose at the other girls having fun.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Dottie and her ever so cute black nose!"]Dottie and her ever so cute black nose![/caption]