Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Purple fever!

I've been knitting tons of purple stuff lately.  I guess that's what happens when I decide I need to take a break from greens and blues.  My latest purple item is a cute, summery tank.

Ignore the crazy eyes.  I was cold.
Ignore the crazy eyes. I was cold.

Pattern: Loop Entrelac Tank by Allyson Dykhuizen

Yarn: Knit Picks Simply Cotton Sport

Needles: US 4 and 6

More details… here (ravelry link)

What?  I'm just trying to show you the neckline detail.
What? I'm just trying to show you the neckline detail.

This was fun to knit.  The construction is really neat and keeps things interesting.  I wore it out tonight (with a jacket, of course) and it was very comfy.  I have yet to actually wash and block it.  I think I'll try to make it a bit more roomy around the waist when I get around to blocking it.

Gotta go now.  I've got more knitting to finish before the week's out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Can you say curly?

My new shawl/scarf is very, very curly.  I decided that's ok though.  It is colorful and the back is as cute as the front so all is well.

I'm happier about this scarf than I look.
I'm happier about this scarf than I look.

Pattern: Speedline by Alexandra Tinsley

Yarn: Berroco Vintage and Cascade 220

Needles: US 9

More details… here (ravelry link)

Look at that masterful knitting!
Look at that masterful knitting!

The pattern was super easy and great football knitting.  The only change I made was to cast on less stitches (40 less, I think.) because I was using up stash yarn.  The pattern calls for DK weight yarn, but I used a worsted weight instead.

Just so you don't think I was too serious today.
Just so you don't think I was too serious today.
Now for a little known fact about me (until  now).  Although I don't get the whole fake mustache craze, I am a bit obsessed with making mustaches out of random things.  My favorite is the kitty tail mustache, but I will use a vine or scarf  in a pinch.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'll have ten, please.

It seems it is time for finished projects to start rolling in again.  I have two so far this week.  One is a gift that I won't blog about, but have posted pics to Google+ so most of you have probably seen it.  The other is a top I've been dying to make since the preview of the pattern came out months ago.  As soon as the pattern was released, I purchased it.  Since I had purchased the yarn for it the month before I was ready to start right away.

Behold the loveliness (of the top)!
Behold the loveliness (of the top)!

Pattern: Xia by Kessa Tay Anlin

Yarn: Knit Picks Comfy Sport

Needles: US 3 and 6

More details… here (ravelry link)

Look at that crocheted edging!
Look at that crocheted edging!

I actually made it too small, but I think it's cute as a more fitted top.  Also, I got to crochet for the first time.  I think I did pretty good for a beginner.  As for the pattern, it was pretty straight forward.  The only thing that wasn't really obvious was the lace chart and how things repeated while doing waist increases.  It was easy enough to figure out as the the lace pattern is obvious, but a beginner might be thrown off for a second.  Also, I should've listened to other knitters, the armholes are snug.  For my fitted top, they are fine, but when I make another larger one, it might look a bit funny with pit-hugger sleeves.  I will definitely make them about an inch bigger.

Outside is so dirty!
Outside is so dirty!

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Difference of Opinion

That's what Loops and I have right now.  A difference of opinion about what is considered to be too many shoes.  I told him I would create a post to document how many shoes I actually have.  He thinks it will make me realize how I have tons of shoes.  I think it will cause people to come to my defense and point out that my shoe collection is in no way out of control.  We'll see.

First off, my "dress" shoes.  I didn't take any time to photograph these in detail.  I would've had to dust them since they get worn only rarely.  All are very inexpensive.  I'd say under $30.

The not-so-fancy fancy shoes.
The not-so-fancy fancy shoes.

Next, we have sneakers.  I went through a phase of buying these so I have a nice little collection.  Out of the 10.5 pictured (the .5 are my actual exercise shoes so we can ignore them), my favorites are the bottom left.  They are Rocket Dogs and, with the black, blue, purple, and pink action, they go with about 75% of my wardrobe.

It's like a rainbow up in my closet!
It's like a rainbow up in my closet!

Next up are the shoes worn more than any others, the house shoes.  Most people think it's odd, but I wear shoes almost all the time.  I don't sleep or shower in them, but any other time there will be shoes on my feet.  Right now I alternate between a lovely pair of Born Mary Janes (I <3 Born!) and my very cute Minnetonka Moccasins.

House shoes in the house!
House shoes in the house!

Now we get on to the serious stuff.  I'm not going to lie about it.  I love me some boots.  I've divided them into categories.

First, we have the cheap boots, which I consider anything under $50.  I'd say most of these were between $25 and $40.

The Brown Collection.  It's small and I'd say these are my least worn.

Look at that poly-fur!
Look at that poly-fur!

The Black Collection.  I really like all these.  Both Rocket Dogs (the two pair in back) are made of some weird material that is much nicer to wear than fake leather.

They may be cheap, but I love them.
They may be cheap, but I love them."

The Gray Collection.  I wear the Sketchers all the time.  Gray is my favorite color so I always reach for these since I don't have an expensive gray pair.  The other pair is Not Rated Official.  I picked these up for less than $30 at the end of March which means end of boot season here in Charleston so I have yet to wear these.  Hopefully it will cool off soon so I can try them out.

Gray is Awesome.
Gray is Awesome.
This post is getting long, isn't it? ;)

Next up are the expensive boots.  Anything over $100 is expensive to me.

First we have the boots that started my love for boots.  The Frye boots (on the left) are possibly my favorite boots, look-wise.  I recently had to have the heels adjusted though because I couldn't wear them for very long without some serious foot pain.  Hopefully, I can wear them more now.  The boots on the right are my newest acquisition.  They are Dr. Martens.  I actually have worn these.  I ignored the temps and wore them a couple of weeks ago.  They are pretty comfy.

Can anyone tell I favor lace-up boots?
Can anyone tell I favor lace-up boots?

Last, my pride and joy.  My Born boots.  Did I mention I <3 Born?!?  I love both pairs.  I would like 10 more pairs, but I guess that's not happening.  While the ones on the left are the lookers, the others are my favorite boots to wear.  In fact, these boots tromped all over Paris and Belgium last year.  Although, I did hurt my foot on a cobble in Brugge, I do not hold it against the boots.  It could have happened in any shoe.

Born sure knows how to make a nice boot.
Born sure knows how to make a nice boot.

So, there we go.  My whole collection.  Ok.  There is one more pair.  I forgot about my Sperry rain shoes that are under Loops Chest of Drawers.  See, I'm all about the honesty here.  I'm not taking a picture of them though.  Let's not forget that I'm lazy.

If you're tired of looking at shoes, this last picture is for you.

Dottie <3 Loops, who took this picture.
Dottie <3 Loops, who took this picture.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Picture Post FTW

I'm lazy.  We all know it.  I just wanted to show you what I'm knitting for Dan and Stacy.

The yarn I'm using (and Stacy's hat started)
The yarn I'm using (and Stacy's hat started)

Blues, Greens, and Very Trendy Grellow!
Blues, Greens, and Very Trendy Grellow!

I didn't think Stacy would want to see her hat on someone else's head.
I didn't think Stacy would want to see her hat on someone else's head.

For anyone interested, the pattern  is Howlcat by Alex Tinsley.

I'll talk more about things once I've completed both hats.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Everyday I'm Hustlin'

Who finished all their knitting goals?  I DID!  That's right.  I took 4 projects that were all no more than half done and finished them all up before the NFL season starts.  In an earlier post, I showed you the two scarves that I finished.  Now to show off the other two.

First up, the Americano Vest.  Loops says it's a waistcoat.  I say, this is America and I can call it a vest.

Lovely, no?
Lovely, no?
Pattern: Americano by Cirilia Rose

Yarn: Berroco Vintage Chunky

Needles: US 10

More details… here (ravelry link)

I <3 Gray!
I <3 Gray!

In all honesty, I got really tired of all the finishing on this thing.  In the end I sewed up the front so the buttons are just for show.  Speaking of buttons, there are suppose to be 5, but I got lazy there too.  After putting 3 on, I decided it looked fine that way.

As long as we're talking about laziness, I might as well show you the shawl I finished.

It's big enough, right?
It's big enough, right?

Pattern: Sweet November Shawl by Caryl Pierre

Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Covington

Needles: US 11

More details…  here (ravelry link)

I stopped after finishing up with the first ball of yarn.  This was another thing I just totally tired of knitting.  Also, it seemed big enough.  I also opted not to put the fringe on.  I'm just not really that into fringe.

If all this excitement wasn't enough I should be back soon for another post.  I have a gift for my sister that is almost done. ;)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Love it or Hate it

It's not often I knit something that I'm not sure if I'll like or not.  Usually I have to be in love with it before I ever think of casting on.  That was not the case with Espenson.  I saw it and, while I liked it, I really thought it might come out about as flattering as a flour sack.  When on that same night I found I was able to get the yarn on sale (plus get an extra discount), I took it as a sign and decided to make it.

I think it was a success.
I think it was a success. 

Pattern: Espenson by Cirilia Rose

Yarn: Berroco Linsey

Needles: US 8

More details…  here (ravelry link)

It's a big ol' rectangle with a hole in the center.
It's a big ol' rectangle with a hole in the center. 

It's very comfy.  I wore it to supper tonight.  I think it's pretty cool.  That's all I have to say about it.

Talk to you again soon.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Coming Right Along

Just wanted to do a short post to document some FOs (that's finished objects, for you non-knitting types).  That's right.  I've actually completed a few things from my last post.  I have two scarves to show you today.

First off,  we have a scarf/shawl I started in February of 2010.

Saroyan in Pink
Saroyan in Pink 

Pattern: Saroyan by Liz Abinante

Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted

Needles: US 10

More details…  here (ravelry link)

I really liked knitting this.  It would have been finished much earlier if I hadn't set it down for over a year.  It's actually a quick knit.  Loopers picked out the color so if it doesn't suit me, blame him. ;)

Next up, is a pattern I just kind of threw together.  I discovered garter ribbing and loved it.  I combined that with my love of gray and circular scarves and this is the result.

Gray squishiness!
Gray squishiness! 

Pattern: None

Yarn: Frog Tree Meriboo

Needles: US 8

More details…  here (ravelry link)

In case you were worried I was being too serious...
In case you were worried I was being too serious... 
I also finished the Twin Cities Headband, but didn't get any good photos of it.  So that's 3 whole things complete.  I just counted.  There were 11 UFOs listed in my last post.  I'd be more depressed about this, but since there are 2 more projects on the brink of completion, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far.  Stay tuned for more FOs coming your way soon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

UFOs Everywhere!

No, sillies, it's not alien abduction time.  It's time to get my butt in gear and try to finish some  of the knitting I've started.  I figured I'd organize them into groups in hopes that the organization will help me with my procrastinating ways.

There are some things I don't have a hope of finishing soon.

Winging It Blanket
Winging It Blanket 

Pickadilly Cardigan
Pickadilly Cardigan 

Soft Bubble Tunic
Soft Bubble Tunic 

These things are less than halfway through and are big projects.  Sadly, they've all been sitting for far too long.  I should really be ashamed of myself.

Then there are those projects around the halfway mark.  If I apply myself to them, there is a chance I could finish them in the near future.

Sweet November Shawl
Sweet November Shawl 

Americano Vest
Americano Vest 

Saroyan Shawl
Saroyan Shawl 

Uhura Tank
Uhura Tank 

Garter Ribbing of Joy Scarf
Garter Ribbing of Joy Scarf 

I know.  The amount of UFOs is already alarming.  Sadly, I'm not finished.

There are a couple of projects that are almost done.  I just have to take a bit of time and they could be finished.

Espenson Caftan Tee
Espenson Caftan Tee 

Twin Cities Headband
Twin Cities Headband 

Last, but definitely not least.  The project I must complete before Christmas.

Sofo Baby Blanket
Sofo Baby Blanket 

We'll have to wait and see how many of these projects I actually complete in the next month.  I'm not optimistic, but now that I've shown them all to the world, maybe  I'll be shamed into completing at least some of them.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Make Up Your Mind

I'm a terrible blogger. I barely ever post and when I do I don't feel like saying anything. I wanted to show you the latest top off the needles though.

Notice how I always look drugged?
Notice how I always look drugged? 

Pattern: Make Up Your Mind by Julie Crawford

Yarn: Classic Elite Summer Sox

Needles: US 6

More details… here (ravelry link)

Grumpy, dancing Jamas!
Grumpy, dancing Jamas! 

I didn't swatch and it ended up a bit snug.  That's what I get for being lazy.  It will fit when I drop the 5 to 10 lbs. I want to shed.

My alteration of the pattern? Less racer-backy racer-back.
My alteration of the pattern? Less racer-backy racer-back. 

Loopas favorite photo.
Loopas favorite photo. 

The end.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back in Business

It's been awhile since I've been a part of online selling.  I stopped with the whole textbook sales on eBay thing after moving to Charleston about 3 years ago.  I just wasn't into it anymore and sales were down so I closed up shop.  Off and on I've toyed with ideas of selling things online again.  I figured if I did decided to open up a shop it should be filled with things I actually care about.

At the start of the year, I started researching photo labs to possibly print some of my photographs to put up for sale.  I found one I liked and got a few copies of some of my favorite photos and opened a shop on Etsy earlier this week.  I haven't sold anything yet, but let's keep our fingers crossed.

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Day at the Zoo and Gardens

As I mentioned in my last post, we spent last Saturday up in Columbia, SC at Riverbanks Zoo and Garden.  We got up bright and early so we could be there when the gates opened at 9am.  I think Loops was a bit grumpy to be up so early on the weekend, but, with the promise of a pancake pitstop, he was good to go.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="315" caption="Tulips in the sun!"]Tulips in the sun![/caption]

We started off on the Botanical Gardens side.  It was a bit sunny, but since it was still chilly at that time of the morning I am not complaining.  There were plenty of pretty flowers blooming.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Very purple flowers"]Very purple flowers[/caption]

There were pansies everywhere, in every color imaginable.  I didn't take any pictures of them though.  They also had tons of pretty smelling roses of which I didn't get any good pictures of.  In fact, my photo count was really kind of low so I don't have much to share.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The prettiest of spring flowers"]The prettiest of spring flowers[/caption]

After looking at all of the pretty flowers, we walked a riverside path that wound its way toward the bridge to cross over to the zoo.  It was very peaceful and shady.  Best of all, it was mostly downhill so the walk was easy.

One of the first animals we saw was the koala bears.  You cannot imagine how excited I was.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mama Koala"]Mama Koala[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Baby Koala"]Baby Koala[/caption]

They were so cute and I just wanted to cuddle both of them.  There was one other koala there, but it just slept the whole time which was also cute, but not as photo worthy.

We went on from there and saw the baboons.  Not the most attractive animals, but they were fun to watch.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="I'm not sure what the baby's doing."]I'm not sure what the baby's doing.[/caption]

From there we saw kangaroos.  In fact, we were in the cage with them.  It would've been more exciting, but all the kangaroos were sleeping while we were in there.  I was actually close enough to touch one.  Not that I was allowed to do that or anything.  After that we saw elephants and zebras and grizzly bears and giraffes.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Stretch!"]Stretch![/caption]

Now, for a blog exclusive:  First the backstory.  It seems every time I'm at the zoo I get to see something unique.  Mostly, it's something I didn't need to see, but I guess I'm just "lucky" that way.  I've seen turtles mating, a gorilla eating his own puke, etc.  This time tops it all though.  If it only would've happened once I wouldn't have the photographic proof because I was too shocked at what I was seeing through the lens.  The siamang in question was kind enough to offer an encore though (lucky you).  We walk up to the siamangs enclosure and way up high is one of the pair facing away from us.  I turn to Loops and say something about us getting a great view of the primate's butt.  Next thing I know:

[caption id="attachment_179" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="the butt end of a siamang"]the butt end of a siamang[/caption]

That's right, he reached back and broke his own turds off.  Then he  took the time to examine them before  tossing them away.  We were stunned into silence for a moment, but then we couldn't stop laughing and talking about it.  As we left him to it and headed back to our car we started hearing him and the other siamang start with the "singing" they are known for.  It was pretty cool and the sound really travels through the woods.  All in all it was a very good day at the zoo.

Since it would be wrong to leave you with that image stuck in your head, I give you KOALAS!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="Oh the cuteness is almost too much!"]Oh the cuteness is almost too much![/caption]